The Title Residencies (Naiyang – Phuket) is being built along the tranquil shores of Naiyang Beach, about 250 meters away from the beach, with Sirinat National Park as a background offering its stunning scenery and richness. Wrapped around by the beautiful nature and natural pine trees endlessly lining the white sand beach and just 5 minutes’ drive from Phuket International Airport, the location is believed to be perfect to live, and/or for investment in the form of ‘Condominium For Tourism’.
The outstanding response and huge success from the previous projects of Rhomb Bho Property, was reflected in the quality and the timeliness, gaining trust and reliability to the project management team.
Over 70% of the project is being transformed into a common area where you can enjoy your time. Facilities include sunbath deck, fitness, sauna, 5 swimming pools, 1 sky pool and more.